Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cara Box ~ November

I know I have mentioned previously about a special swap/exchange event I signed up for this month called Cara Box via Wifessionals Blog.  If you don't know what it is please take a moment and click on either link above and get connected.  I enjoyed it and I know you will too.

I received my #carabox last week and let me just say my partner sent me a VERY thoughtful package.  She paid close attention to detail through our communication.  Tammy {click on her name to follow her blog} is a kind soul with a HUGE heart!  I really enjoyed how quickly and easily we connected.  We became Facebook & Instagram friends too.  Each gift inside was wrapped in sage/purple colored wrapping paper.  Sage just so happens to be my favorite color.  Then she added some of my very favorite candies from back in my childhood days.  FYI: It's been hard keeping Cameron out of my candy, especially the strawberry ones!!!  My favorite is the JOURNEY framed in sage green with scripture written all around it.  All based around the word journey.  I can't express enough what her letter she enclosed meant to me.  I sobbed.  My husband seriously could not figure out what was wrong with me.  How can you be so happy about a box and crying like a baby the next second?  I tried to explain it's just that heartfelt and encouraging.  Tammy touched my heart forever!

Here are some of the scriptures from around the picture:

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Ephesians 6:11

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105
  Here is another reason why.....
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.
Psalm 25:4

With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.
Psalm 91:16

{I wanted to share the kindest letter she sent.  Then you might understand the tears.}

I am honored and blessed to have you as my Cara Box Partner.  I liked you for the first email I received from you.  As you and I believe, everything happens for a reason and I am glad the Lord allowed our paths to cross.  I look forward to seeing what He has planned.

From your emails I learned that you are a very strong woman that loves her family and the Lord very much.  The picture enclosed made me smile and think of you as soon as I saw it.  Not only is is your color and included wonderful scriptures, but I love the word "journey".  It seems we both have traveled a long and hard journey at times, but our God have never left our side.  He has walked beside us, as well as carried us.  He has guided our journey through childhood to our adult years in order to strengthen and build us into the women He desires us to be.

You are an inspiration to me.  You have not let the hard times beat you down or define you, but used them as stepping stones.  God is proud of you and proud to call you His precious princess.

I hope you enjoy the fun side of the box too.  A few fun candies to remind you of happy times as a child.

Again, I feel blessed to have met you through this exchange and am glad we are connected.

In Christ,

Tammy ~
I thank you for the time and consideration that went into my carabox.  I look forward to staying connected for years to come and continuing the "JOURNEY".   

Cara Box

I sent my package out to Shannon Q.  The theme was CHILDHOOD.  I tried to gather as many fun facts about her and relate her stories into the gifts I chose.  I hope she enjoyed her #carabox as much as I enjoyed putting it together for her. 

Please take a moment and go check out both Tammy and Shannon's blogs.  Just click on their names to be directed to their sites.  Happy Reading Folks!!!!


  1. ohhh! I'm so glad you both were blessed by one another. What a great job Tammy did. That letter probably would have made me sob also! You both are truly wonderful ladies.

  2. Aw! This is one of the sweetest I've seen. Love the frame and her sweet note. This verses are some of my favorites :)

    1. I could not agree more. I plan to go check out some of the link ups today. What a cool way to get to know folks. I love it!

  3. How fun you got Shannon!! Love those verses girlie!! I remember those lil' dot candies that stick to the paper. What a great box!! You doing it next month too? Love this swap.

