Friday, March 8, 2013

Back to Basics

I have been a little overwhelmed since starting 2013.  It’s not an excuse, just a fact.  I am guilty of letting “things” get in the way of what’s most important to me.  I have not made time for crucial areas in my life that require the most attention {more or less they took a backseat}.  I feel like my focus has been on my family BUT, not enough {maybe too much in one area rather than another}.  My hopes are this can be mended; my heart wants to be led in the right direction.  I want to give forgiveness and release grudges.  I know my weaknesses.  I hold on to pain and use it to build walls; I want to move past this. 
I am thankful God sees me beyond my failures & fears and holds me within His grace.  I am also thankful that through the tremendous struggles and heartbreak, it’s all led up to something more magnificent then I could possibly have planned on my own.  I am slowly realizing this and starting to understand more why I've taken certain paths.   I know God is preparing me; I need to be patient and trust where I am being led.  I want to remove thoughts of skepticism and focus on my purpose. 

That means getting back to the basics and starting over by taking baby steps to reach my goals.  On Monday, I started a 40 day fast.  I plan to focus more on my quiet time in prayer, my personal relationship with Christ, my marriage & family life.  Giving thanks for where I have been and looking forward to what’s ahead for me!
Talk about hitting the nail on the head, I found this prayer and had to share. 
Type this out, hang it up and refer to it daily.
{borrowed it from} 
Here I am Lord! Use me to encourage, love and respect those around me!
Remove my fears, insecurities, guilt and the lies that I have fallen for. 
Holy Spirit, I give you access into the deepest parts of my heart and ask that
you refine me and guide me.

Fill ALL of me with ALL of YOU!
In Jesus Name Amen!

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