Monday, February 27, 2012

Perfect People??

Have you ever thought to yourself....... Man, he/she seem to have the PERFECT life?!?  They always have a perfect smile, they wear perfect clothes, have the perfect kids, live in a perfect home, come from a perfect family so they must really have it all together.

Let it be known there is NO perfect person.  You have no idea the battles people face, the struggles they endure, the life changing events that have shook them to their core, the broken heart they carry daily, the poor decisions they've made, the pain they've suffered or the mind blowing secrets they hide.  Have you ever thought the man that sits at the bar day in and day out and the person that sits next to you in church deal with some of the very same issues?  Both can be equally scarred by life.  Neither wanting to be judged.  One may hide it better than the other but everyone has issues.  We all face struggles and hardships.  No two people are the same but I assure you we share in the same feelings of despair.      

Let's get real folks......  Every heart seeks acceptance.  Every heart wants to feel whole.  Each heart wants to feel LOVE!  Nobody wants to feel lonely.  Nobody wants to be judged by their past.  PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES!  Thank God for that.  If it were not from trying and failing you would not grow.   The heart of the matter is don't strive to be perfect.  STRIVE TO BE A BETTER YOU!!!!  Don't base what others have on what you should have.  It's pointless.  Don't try to be someone or something you're not ~ BE YOU!  Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. 

I'll speak truthfully ~ I've accepted I am nobody other than ME!  I don't try to be either.  I am unique.  I am outspoken.  I'm NOT perfect!!  I've made mistakes.  I've taken the easy way out.  I know what it feels like to be completely broken.  I've felt hopelessness.  I've lived empty and wanted more out of life than depression.  I've lived in fear.  I've hurt people, sometimes on purpose.  I've hid my true feelings.  I've hated myself.  I'm often told I am strong but truth is those instances didn't necessarily make me strong.  They taught me life has so much more to offer.  You can fall and still pick up the pieces.  Lessons are to be learned.  True relationships are to be cherished.  Prayers are answered.  Dreams do come true.  Everything in life I have faced made me who I am today.  It was by divine design and not in my timing.  Once you can accept it's NOT you that's in control it might make your paths more understandable.  Try being thankful for your issues.  Sounds strange, trust me I know.  Be willing to open your heart and your eyes to God's plan.  REAL TALK~ draw your strengths from Him.  Accept change.  LET GO & LET GOD! 
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Change is about the only constant I have noticed in life.  What God has allowed me to see is he has a plan for me!  That excites me and my hopes are it excites you as well!  I look forward to what's to come.  I'm thankful for the seasons throughout my life.  I appreciate the person I have become and will continue to strive for better.  I yearn to be a more accepting, deeper loving and giving wife/mother/friend.  I refuse to be consumed by the opinions or half-truths people think of me.  You shouldn't either.  They are simply irrelevant, unreliant and by no means will I allow it to define me.  Have you ever realized that when people say you've changed, it's usually because you stopped living YOUR life THEIR way????  Change is not a bad thing folks.  It's simply a decision to desire more.  Not in a materialistic way, but more like a soul searching journey way.  Seek Him and seek better in your life.

Lord, I come to you asking that if strife or grief come into my life or the lives of those close to me that you turn it into something positive.  Continue working in me, making me more confident in the person I am today no matter what I face.  Give me strength to help others and be the accepting and supportive friend they need.  Let me be a positive influence to those who may not believe, those who have lost their way or those who seek direction. 
I ask this in Your name, AMEN.     

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