Monday, May 21, 2012

J.C. & Tissa King

dum, dum, da-dum ~ ~ Don't act like you don't know what that is!
My baby brother J.C. King married the love of his life Tissa McClure this past Friday, May 18th.  The groom was simply handsome in his tux.  The bride was stunning and displayed a certain glow about her.  Decor was all draped in shades of the most splendid regency purple to give it that perfect touch of wedding WOW!  Everything about this wedding had touches of both their personalities.  I must say I cried WAY before the wedding started.  I happened to be where the bride was prepping and read the most thoughtful and caring handwritten love letter with a diamond necklace attached to it from J.C. to his bride to be.  Melted and touched my heart.  I think all who read it cried, let's be honest.  SO ROMANTIC!  I really enjoyed the evening and couldn't be happier for them.  Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.


To my brother and his bride:
I wish you happiness and years of growth.
May your joining together bring you more happiness than you can imagine.
Thank you for letting me share in your joyous moment.
I look forward to watching you both in the next steps of your journey.
Love Always,
Andrea Dyan

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, You are so clever and sweet! I love it! I read that love letter from JC to Tissa Lynne three times and cried each time. It was so beautifully written and so sincere. Tissa Lynne and JC are lucky to have each other!!
