Monday, May 2, 2011

Major announcement

Mike and I were watching our normal Sunday TV show Brother & Sisters. Just curled up in my comfy chair with my comfy clothes and blanket. I happened to log in to Facebook to read the President will be breaking in for a major announcement. At this point it was about 9:45 CST. I thought it must be something big for him not to have done it during prime time or a scheduled televised address to the nation. Then Facebook starts blowing up and all the major news channels are doing the same with the word that Osama Bin Laden has been killed and his body is in US custody. WHAT??? WOW!!! I went through a realm of mixed emotions. I'm happy yet frightened. All I can think of is what's next? How will the US be retaliated against next? What does this actually mean for our troops? I thought the President did well with his speech. I thought it was direct and to the point. The fact is this is a victory for the US & our troops! What I don't understand is how people can twist so much and make this a political republican or democratic issue. We just got word that the face of global terrorism, the most infamous terrorist of our time has been killed and people are really thinking about who gets credit? Should or shouldn't Obama have credit??? Are you kidding me???

My personal opinion is this, we should all be thanking GOD and praying he watches over his children in the coming days.

Some of the pictures from last night brought tears to my eyes. The numbers of people that rejoiced in the streets in NYC at ground zero or the people that chanted in front of the White House. I get that and I respect it. I understand they lost family members either during the acts of terrorism or while fighting in war. Not to mention the number of lives touched during the attacks by the efforts of police, firefighters, doctors/nurses/EMT or anyone that helped with the aftermath of the various attacks.

has profound meaning to everyone!

Respect it and move forward as a stronger country! Be alert! Be vigilant! Above all PRAY!

I have zero interests in starting a public debate. Please do not send me emails or post anything of that nature.

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