Thursday, September 1, 2011

Inner Peace

Found this and it was a MUST have for my house


I've learned recently that the closer one gets with God the harder the attacks will follow. I had to make a decision to let the hurtful things people have said about me be forgotten as easily as they were spoken.

A friend of mine passed me a note in church last night that read: They are coming after you because you are going in the right direction! They are trying to keep you from this, don't let them stop you! She knew I was hurting. She knew I was struggling. What got to me the most was it's like the bible study was directed straight to me. Speaking directly to my heart as if Pastor knew what to say to give me some kind of understanding to be able to make peace. All I know is God is working in ME! Without a doubt he is guiding ME! Does that make me perfect? No, but it does give me FAITH. It does give me strength to not be bound by others discontent!

Let's praise His name! He is holy, He is almighty. He is love. He brings hope, forgiveness, heart cleansing, peace and power. He is our deliverer and coming King. Praise his wonderful name!

~ Lucille M. Law

I know others are hurting or may be struggling with similar issues. Learn not to allow people or situations to fill your heart with anger. Don't give into depression associated with the hurt (this doesn't happen overnight) Don't allow yourself to be bitter but instead RISE ABOVE! Besides, inner peace is found by changing yourself, NOT the people who hurt you. I can only speak from my personal experiences and hope that you can find your inner peace as well. It can be a daily battle at times but KEEP YOUR FAITH!

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