Sunday, January 22, 2012

Prayer Day 21, 22 & 23

January 21
Thank You, Lord, that You are near to me when I call upon You with my whole heart.  I call to You today because I need to feel Your love, peace, joy and power in my life.  Thank You, Lord, that Your Holy Spirit lives in me and is with me always, so I don't have to be alone.  Help me to sense Your presence now and make me more and more aware of Your healing love each day.
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,  to all who call upon Him in truth.
Psalm 145:18

January 22
Lord, fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit.  Flow through me with Your living water and cleanse my soul of all loneliness.  I refuse to be double-minded by thanking You for Your presence and then acting as if You are not there.  Take away any pain of feeling alone and help me to sense Your presence in a deeper way.  Thank You that You are always loving me to wholeness.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8

January 23
Lord Jesus, how ofter You withdrew from other people to be alone.  But You were never really alone because You were always with Your heavenly Father.  The one time You must have felt deeply alone was when You cried out to God saying, "Why have You forsaken Me?"  But Your were forsaken so that I will never have to be.  Thank You, Lord, for liberating me from loneliness forever.
When Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.
John 6:15

There are those times when we feel alone or separated from others. I can feel lonely because I am struggling with something personal that I don’t think anyone else can relate to. I can also feel lonely when I am in the midst of a crowd but overwhelmed with a personal life issue. I miss the connection with them assuming they don’t understand what I am going through. The reality is that they may not know anything about it.

The smiling faces we see in most pictures aren’t always telling us the truth. We can’t assume that people feel loved by the way we see them interacting with others. We all know how to look good in public or to talk good on the phone. But often times the loneliest people are the ones who look the least alone. Because we don’t believe they need anything from us we tend leave them alone.

Loneliness can be a result of feeling rejected by someone that is important to us. We may have had a friend move out of town, or someone in our life has gone through a significant life change that alters the way we have been used to connecting subsequently we feel alone.  We don’t have to assume someone is in trouble or is desperately alone in order to contact them. Maybe it will mean even more to someone that we called them “just because”. But there are those who really need to know they aren’t alone today. Your spontaneous “hello” may make a world of difference to them. 

So, what’s the point? Reach out to someone today. Ask the Lord to put someone on your mind to call or stop by to see.  My guess is you already have a person on your mind and need to stop putting it off....... 

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